Thursday, June 4, 2009

Memorable convo with less picture..

Convocation: What a memorable day.. The event runs very smoothly, perfectly match with awesome presentations and enjoyable performances too. Special thanks to committee members that give a hard and smart work on it. The bored of waiting the turn to receive my diploma was relatively decreased..(I'm the 896th diploma receiver on that evening..huh)..Thanks..again..

Around 5 o'clock in the evening, then only my turn of receiving diploma. I don't know somehow my heart beats doubles as it normally did when my name was announced. Hopefully the picture of me on stage was perfectly captured..

Then after a long speech by Mr Vice Chancellor, the ceremony ended. So, it's time for photo session.. After taking some picture with my mom and sister, I try to find my friends, for course mate photo session.. Salo and Fazli are the only two that I manage to grab and walked around for searching purpose.. At the end of searching, we just could take some picture with other friends.

In conclusion, it's a memorable convo with less picture..

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