Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sekolah rendah ak..

Dua hari lepas, elok je ak bangun tido, ak teringat kat sekolah rendah ak.. So ak pn mengatur roda menaiki moto ke sekolah rendah ak dengan bertemankan kamera SLR ak..

Sampai je kat sekolah, ak pn nk amik la ganbar signboard sekolah.. Elok je ak bawa kuar SLR ak, ada plak 2org staff sekolah sebelah datang tanya ak amik gambar untuk apa.. diorang mcm risau, maybe ingat ak ni wartawan nk wat liputan ke hape..adoi..sukati le ak nk amik gambar, ni sekolah ak..lgpun bkn ak amik gambar sekolah sebelah pn..sabar je lah..

Ni la sek ak (SK Francis Light)
Kawasan sekolah dari atas bangunan baruTangga old school

Pandangan dari tepi

Ni koridor a.k.a tempat ak main tiang-tiang

Sekolah ak ni mmg old school.. dibina tahun 1930.. sekolah rendah Inggeris pertama..P.Ramlee bekas pelajar sekolah ni..sebab tu bangunan lama dan berkayu..

Ni kaki lima kelasTangga ni dh brapa kali entah ak jatuh tergolek dulu.. Licin woo time hujan..
Padang sekolah
Bangunan ni antara bangunan baru kat sekolah ak..Masa ak darjah 6 kelas ak kat bangunan ni

Ramai dari kita yg dh lupa lagu sekolah.. Tapi ak xkn lupa lagu sekolah ak:

Sekolah yg mulia,
Sekolah yg kucinta,
Francis Light ialah namanya,
Diingati dengan bangga,
Sekolahku kesayanganku,
Tempatku menuntut ilmu,
Setiap detik bergerak maju,
Akan ku kenang selalu.

Xbanyak yg berubah kat sekolah tu.. Cuma cikgu2 hampir kesemua muka baru.. cikgu yg mengajar ak dulu tinggal 2org je..yg lain samada pencen ataupun bertukar ke sekolah lain.. Dan sebelum ak pulang, smpat le ak berbual panjang dengan guru besar baru dan cikgu2 kanan.. jelas di muka mereka bangga melihat ak berjaya ke menara gading..alhamdulillah..

Gambar2 selebihnya ada dlm flikr ak:

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My ex-classmate married..

Dh kawin kawan ak ni

Ak gak yg single

Ak dan kwn2 sekolah ak
Ambik berkat

Ni pn kwn2 ak

Kwn yg dh keja dlm pelbagai bidang..

Leman dan Kayu

Today I went to my ex-classmate's "kenduri kawin". He is my classmate during my secondary school.. At the time of my wedding day, I'm sure he will bring along his son/daughter or maybe sons/daughters..Huhu

Selamat Pengantin Baru.. Semoga berbahagia hingga hujung hayat.. Doakn juga semoga ak pn cepat kawin..hehe..

Friday, June 12, 2009

Life go on...

The final exam result for last semester had been revealed.. As expected, the result was bad.. But, Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah because at least He still give me an opportunity to continue my degree.. That should be the best present for me for 2009.. Even though the result was bad, for me it's didn't meant that I failed in my degree..

Some of the obstacles that driving me into the bad results are:
1. Luck.. Yes.. Not my luck..
2. Not handle some of the personal problems in the way that it should be
3. Not well motivated by the one who his/her responsibility is to motivate me..I guess..

Recover.. That is the main idea on what I should do for the next 6month.. Actually I hate of failure, but at the same time, I, in no way ,could not deny that the failure itself give me more strength to be a better person.. There are many thing that I have to recover, just need some time to put it in sequence so that the process of recovering become smoothly..

Life go on...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Hibernation..maybe that's is the best word to describe myself at this point.. I did not step on the ground for almost 2days..Just stay in the house, and most of the time in my room. "Sleep:Eat:Surf Internet" are the three major activities I did in my room.. I want to go out with my friends but had to limit it because of the unstable finance.. So whats more I can do other than staying at my house?

Night market in front of my flat

Early this month, Meme (my cat) give birth for 4kittens.. Exclusively I exposed 2 of the photos of her child.. The kittens still could not open their eyes..
In one or two days, the truth will come out.. The results of final exam will released and my fate somehow will depend on it.. It sure to be bad, but I hope it will not the worst. Anything happen, either bad or worst, I have to think ahead because there is no U-turn..

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Kakak sudah, abg sudah, aku bila lg?

Potong kek

Ak dan 3adik ak

Akn tiba masanya

Arini kenduri kawin abg ak.. Abg ak wat simple je kenduri tu..dia xset pelamin pn..just set meja makan pengantin..makan paling penting kn? hehe

Huh, naik tertekan ak diaju soalan dari sepupu2,makcik2 dan pakcik2 ak yg saja je nk kenakan ak: "Hg bila plak nk kawin?"... mentang2 la abg dan kakak ak dh kawin, so diorg kata lepas ni turn ak plak..yer2, mmg la ak nk kawin.. tp dok blajar lg, dh tu calon pn samar2 lg..sabar je lah zulzahar ye..

Kenduri arini gak ak jumpa dengan jiran2 umah lama ak.. dulu ak dok kuarters, so kira teman2 sepermainan ak time kecik2 dulu la...bila kuarters tu renovate, semua pindah ke tempat baru. dulu semua kecik2, sekarang dh bleh jd bapak dan mak org.. lawak giler bila tengok perubahan masing2..maklumlah, dh berbelas tahun xjumpa kot..ak dh xkenal muka..just kenal bila tengok mak bapak diorang je..tp mmg best bila dapat sembang semula..zaman kanak2 yg ceria..hehe

Selamat le kenduri abg ak ni guna katering..so mmg ak goyang kaki je..di samping jd jurugambar xberbayar..dan semestinya ak bebas nk makan, bila ak terasa nk makan..

Kakak sudah, abg sudah, aku bila lg? Xleh lewat2 sbb target ak nk 6org anak..hehe

Kembali ke Penang

Ak seperti biasa le blik Penang naik kretapi... dh berapa tahun tah ak xnaik bas ekspress.. sepatutnya nk blik 5/6/09, tiket plak dh abis.. maka terpaksa le blik 6/6/09.. Kretapi plak delay sejam, so kul 3.30ptg baru bertolak...

Ni beg2 yg ak bawak blik umah
Kol 11mlm baru sampai png.. sampai je kat umah ak bau benda alah ni..
Huh, giler best..dh le ak dok ngidam durian.. ak siap makan dengan nasik lagi..syok..

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Memorable convo with less picture..

Convocation: What a memorable day.. The event runs very smoothly, perfectly match with awesome presentations and enjoyable performances too. Special thanks to committee members that give a hard and smart work on it. The bored of waiting the turn to receive my diploma was relatively decreased..(I'm the 896th diploma receiver on that evening..huh)..Thanks..again..

Around 5 o'clock in the evening, then only my turn of receiving diploma. I don't know somehow my heart beats doubles as it normally did when my name was announced. Hopefully the picture of me on stage was perfectly captured..

Then after a long speech by Mr Vice Chancellor, the ceremony ended. So, it's time for photo session.. After taking some picture with my mom and sister, I try to find my friends, for course mate photo session.. Salo and Fazli are the only two that I manage to grab and walked around for searching purpose.. At the end of searching, we just could take some picture with other friends.

In conclusion, it's a memorable convo with less picture..