Saturday, November 7, 2009

What's you want from love?

Love is is pain.. It is either sweet or pain, depends on how you want it to be, besides on what He designed it to be.. I really couldn't understand on some people who still love someone who they know that their partner is totally useless, nothing good and should be dumped on the first day they dated.. The people said that love is blind, but they don't realize that the blind is them.. Today they say love to their partner, tomorrow they say "fuck off, go and die...babi, sial and so on.." and this continue for decades! So what's love means for them? If you want to be in love, make sure you love yourself first.. Don't put yourself in the situation that people say that you are dumb (in a relationship).. Give yourself some times (one or two months) if you are not prepare to be in love so that you could change from pain to sweet..


Tomo said...


Dina A. said...

Bila org tua berkata-kata, sememangnya apa yang dikatakan itu benar benar belaka haha

so true! I agree!

zulzahar zailan said...

ak muda lg oookkkk...

h.a.n said...

love is so so so complicated
if youuu cant make it so easy...

the ironist said...

saye setuju!!