Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Review of a lecturer...

Yesterday, my first class with a lecturer..so here is the review of him:

1. He was entering the class with nothing than himself.. No file, no books.. And of course no smile at all..
2. His first question "Who has a marker?".. He didn't brought the marker.. Nobody brought the marker, so he said "Nobody bring marker, so I will just talking to you without writing anything on white board".. He quite angry with us because nobody bring markers..
3. Then he also said "Tomorrow is the test 1.. I do the test because of your negative attitude"... Come on, why put a blame on students just because they not bring a marker? Just meet him for the first class, then the test will be take place on the 2nd class.. What kind of teaching plan is it?

In my opinion, it's not easy to be a lecturer, and it's harder to be a good lecturer.. I feel some of the lecturers prefer to "psyco" students more, rather than teaching the students.. But, anything we do, we should enjoy of doing them.. If they feel it really a burden to teach, so better move to other jobs that suits their interest..

Sometimes I feel really disappointed of getting this "the-always-bad-mood-lecturer".. I can understand if the lecturer is in bad mood condition if it happens rarely, because they are also a human being.. but, if he is all the time have a bad mood, what's more I can expected from him?

At the end of the day, I have to make a critical decision: DROP the subjects..


:: kay dora :: said...

whoa! what's his name???

zulzahar zailan said...

his name cannot be published due to internal security purpose..hehe

today my friends said to me that his English lecturer did not allow him to look at the power point at all during his 4-slides presentation.. The lecturer want him to memorize all of them.. Is this the actual technics of presentation? For me, the important element of presentation is how you elaborate your point after referring to the point on the slides..

Some of my friends advice me me to think positive whatever lecturer did.. But should I think positive when the lecturer always think negative?

SeOuL said...

Huh? security purpose? I dont even care... His name is Mohd Ridzuan bin Mohd Ali. Just telling u the truth...

:: kay dora :: said...

gosh, betul ke seoul??? i kenal la lecturer tu. hmmmmm... i met him at the PhD course. well.... *no comment*

SeOuL said...

Btol la..xkn nk tipu plak..huhu.

Tomo said...

zul,, just wanna share some pity.. pity of you.. always get such obnoxious lecturer.. btw, goodluck.. n bwak2 la bersabar..

kasih boneka said...

its ok.why dont we as the student make something that can make the lecturer feel enjoy teaching us..mengalah je.dgn guru jgn berkira.biasalah cubaan dpt guru pelbagai macam.mahu ilmu?bersedialah berkorban..:)

zulzahar zailan said...

dia xlayak dipanggil sebagai pensyarah.. ak bleh bg 100 sbb dia xlayak.. dia hanya akn memusnahkn nasib bangsa sendiri..

zulzahar zailan said...
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kasih boneka said...

belajar itu kan jihad kecil.cubaan la namanya tu dpt guru begitu.tp aku yakin,beliau pastinya guru yang baik.percayalah

zulzahar zailan said...

tp aku yakin,beliau pastinya guru yang baik.percayalah..

xda 1pn ciri dia guru yg baik.. serius.. kalau dia garang, ak xkisah.. ni masalahnya dia malas tahap maksima.. tp mungkin hg xdpt bayangkn apa yg ak kata sehingga hg dpt dia sbg lecturer hg..you can try dan kalau hg dh try jd student dia, then hg still hg kata dia lecturer yg baik, ak akn blanja hg mcD..serius..maybe hg try amik dia sebagai penasihat tesis hg..sweet..

kasih boneka said...

beliau mengajar subjek apa?